
EdTech News for Friday, January 13. 2023: Contributions of CTO Working from War-Torn Ukraine Recognized, the GSV 150

EdTech News: The latest in online teaching and learning

What a difference two weeks can make! AI was all anyone was talking about at the tail end of December, but this week’s news about teaching and learning shows us all the hope of human innovation under the most difficult circumstances. The stories behind EdTech give us all the feelings.

First up is the Chief Technology Officer working in Ukraine while the war rages throughout his homeland. Vsevolod Solovyov is the inaugural winner of the APE Award for Innovation in Scholarly Communications. The Association for College and Research Libraries (ACRL) defines scholarly communications as “the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use. The system includes both formal means of communication, such as publication in peer-reviewed journals, and informal channels, such as electronic listservs.”

Solovyov’s award comes from his work on Prophy Science. The platform recommends grant application referees for the European Research Council’s funding review process.

Press release:

The EdTech sector continues to grow in terms of populations reached, and revenues earned. The 2023 edition of the GSV 150 came out this week. Review reviews looked at over 4,000 VC and PE-backed private to create the list. Revenue scale, growth, user reach, geographic diversification, and margin profile were all considered factors. Together, the 150 companies reach over 3 billion people and generate roughly $25 billion in revenue each year.

ASU + GSV Summit create the list. The partnership between Arizona State University (ASU) and Global Silicon Valley (GSV) “connects leading minds focused on transforming society and business around learning and work.”

Press release:

How societies deliver healthcare and education to their populations, reflects their interests in social stability and well-being for citizens. At least one company believes that learning about healthcare is due to become a more significant part of K12 education. Echo Education Technology already offers medical simulation products, including medical training mannequins and simulated patient monitors used in health sciences, CTE, and STEM education programs.

This month, the company formed a new division to serve primary, secondary, HOSA, STEM, and Career and Technical Education institutions at elementary, middle, and high school levels.

“Students today are growing up in technology-rich homes and have a passion for learning with technology early on. They are also identifying career paths and taking college credited courses in middle school and high school,” said Kevin King, CEO of Echo Healthcare and Echo Education Technology. “Our products continue to evolve to allow students to engage in the educational content being delivered to them in a hands-on way so the information is retained long-term. At the same time, our products provide educators with a realistic and non-traditional approach to delivering educational content in a way that students will understand it and be excited to learn!”

Press release:

Based on the latest press releases concerning teaching and learning, the EdTech News is compiled and distributed by the Edusity family of companies, including Edusity, Cudoo, The Babb Group, and Professor Services. Together, the four brands offer a full suite of online learning tools and services, from learning management technology, to instructional design and curriculum management and support for the academic job search and recruitment.

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Kate Baggott is Head of Content and Communications for the Edusity family of companies that includes The Babb Group and Professor Services. A digital content veteran, Kate's portfolio can be viewed at
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